Renske is Dutch, but writes in English. She published her successful debut novel The Crowfield Chronicles last year, working together with her Irish publisher. She has been a lifelong writer and first began writing screenplays when she was 7 years old. An avid Oxford comma enthusiast, Renske has been an archaeologist, a salsa dancer, a stage actor, an ex-pat in Barcelona, and a university finalist for Strategic Business Plans. She was excited to become a whiskey connoisseur, until she sadly discovered she found whiskey, in fact, disgusting.
Renske currently resides in a small village near Eindhoven, the Netherlands. In her free time you can find her annoying her cats, playing tennis, dancing, reading a good book, or writing stories. The King of Wolves is the first installment of her series The Crowfield Chronicles. She is working hard on the second part as we speak!
During Erasmuscon Renske will be hosting a workshop on the journey from dream to publishing your debut novel. Click here for more information.