Membership tickets
Rotterdam, The Netherlands - August 16-19, 2024

Cosplay: Rules

Costume contest – rules

About the outfit:

  • All costumes are allowed. This includes cosplay and original designs.
  • Costumes do not have to be handmade. However, craftsmanship is an important judging criterion.
  • Costumes must adhere to the code of conduct.
  • Real weapons, or fake weapons with a realistic look, are not allowed. Please refer to our code of conduct for what is, and is not, allowed. 
  • Costumes need to be family-friendly.
  • The organization reserves the right to refuse participation in case the costume does not adhere to these requirements. 

About the stage/performance:

  • The contest will be in the form of a catwalk: each participant will have a maximum of 30 seconds to walk down a catwalk and strike their best poses. The host can read aloud extra information about the outfit if the participant wants to.
  • You can participate all by yourself or as a group. The maximum group size is four people. When you participate as a group, you’ll be judged as one entry.
  • The minimum age to participate is twelve years. Younger participants can only participate as part of a group that includes at least one adult.

Judging criteria:

  • The judging will be based on three criteria; craftsmanship, design and stage presence. Craftsmanship and design will contribute more to the final judging result than stage presence.
    • Craftsmanship: how well is the costume made? Is it a high-quality outfit?
    • Design: if it’s a cosplay: how well does the participant honour the design of the character? If there are differences, are they made tastefully and with care?
      If it’s an original design: how creative is the design? Do the used colours, textures and shapes work well together? 
    • Stage presence: does the participant steal the show?
  • In case of equal scores, the jury members decide on the final ranking.


  • Third place: to be determined
  • Second place: to be determined
  • First place: to be determined
  • Rewards will not be adjusted to the number of people who won them.
  • The reward ceremony will take place 15 to 30 minutes after the last participant has taken the stage.
  • The jury decision is final and the results are not open to discussion.


  • In order to participate, participants need to register the name of their character/outfit. Additionally, participants can give extra information (with a maximum of 100 words), sharing details about their character or their crafting process. The host will read this information out loud while the participant takes the stage. 
  • Participants can register for the contest via (until midnight, August 14) or by registering at Eurocon (registration ends August 18, 12.00), as long as the maximum number of participants has not been reached. If there are more entries, participation will be first come, first served.
  • Participants will need to meet at the stage 15 minutes before the start of the contest. Arriving late may lead to disqualification. 
  • Each entry will be assigned a number; the host will read this out loud as the participant enters the stage.
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