Membership tickets
Rotterdam, The Netherlands - August 16-19, 2024

Monday – Panels

Title: Panel How to write a graphic novel
Time: Monday 10:30
Location: Penn
Description: What is the difference between writing a ‘regular’ story and a script for a comic? How do you collaborate with the illustrator as a writer? What are the pitfalls? And what makes creating a comic book so incredibly fun?
Panelists: Mascha Schoonakker, Jorrit de Klerk, Bibi van Leeuwen

Title: Panel You name it – creating world and character names
Time: Monday 11:30
Location: Penn
Description: Building a world and characters is lovely, until everything you’ve created needs a name. How do you think of them, and how do you create a certain coherence between names? Where can you find inspiration? And is it just us, or are there a lot of Dutch names rolling around in fantasy and science fiction?
Moderator: Kim ten Tusscher
Panelists: Eddie van Dijk, Pam Hage, Arno Behrend

Title: Panel Ever-lasting love – what makes a character unforgettable 
Time: Monday 9:30
Location: Leeuwen
Description: Many characters have been created ever since we started telling each other stories. But some characters transcend their stories and stay with us, generation after generation. Think of Dracula or the Monster of Frankenstein. Why do some characters stay with us long after we have finished reading, watching or listening to their story? 
Moderator: Jeroen Geelhoed
Panelists: Robert Corvus, Daniel Warmoeskerken, Koen Vijverman, Kat Clay

Title: Panel Why won’t they read?
Time: Monday 10:30
Location: Leeuwen
Description: International research shows that the reading skills of young people in the Netherlands are declining. On this panel, we want to find out why and what we can do to turn the tide. How can we motivate our youth to ditch their screens and pick up a book? Is fantasy and Sci-Fi the answer? Come listen to Kim ten Tusscher, author of many fantasy books, and her panelists to discuss this important topic, even if you’re not from the Netherlands. Maybe you can help us solve this?
Moderator: Kim ten Tusscher
Panelists: Renske de Wolf, Alexander Verbeek – van den Toren, Leadie Jo Flowers, Sigrid Lensink, Valentin Ivanov

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