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Rotterdam, The Netherlands - August 16-19, 2024


Guest: Kim ten Tusscher

We would like to introduce our guest Kim ten Tusscher. Kim ten Tusscher (1979) started her professional career as a documentary photographer. In all her projects, she looked for similarities between people and tried to invalidate prejudice. Writing proved a better way to express herself. In her stories, she combines well-written worlds and characters with

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Guest: Francesco Verso

We would like to introduce our guest Francesco Verso Francesco Verso (Bologna, 1973) is a multiple-award Science Fiction writer and editor (3 Europe Awards, 2 Urania Awards, 2 Italy Awards, 1 Golden Dragon Award and 1 Galaxy Award). He has published: Antidoti umani, e-Doll, Nexhuman, Bloodbusters, Zendroide, Futurespotting and The Roamers (made of The Pulldogs and No/Mad/Land). Nexhuman and Bloodbusters have been published in the UK and in China. The Roamers has

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Guest: Pam Hage

We would like to introduce our guest Pam Hage. Pam Hage is a creative jack of all trades from the Netherlands with a passion for fantasy. She is an author, illustrator and cosplayer. Her debut novel “Sterrenduister” will be published in 2024, after having won the manuscript competition organised by Uitgeverij Zilverspoor. Where fantasy dominates

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ESFS Awards 2024

From the very first Eurocon in 1972 it has been tradition to grant the ESFS Awards to remarkable works of Science Fiction and Fantasy. And in order to be eligible for next year’s ESFS, it is important to send in your own work! You can find the types of awards and regulations in the guidelines.

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