Membership tickets
Rotterdam, The Netherlands - August 16-19, 2024


Venue announcement

We are pleased to announce that Erasmuscon 2024 will be held in the WTC Rotterdam. This beautiful venue is close to the city centre, which is great for accessibility to public transport, restaurants, and other entertainment outside of the con. There are many different rooms available, which means there can be multiple programme tracks! The

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The team is ready!

The past month we actively called for volunteers to help us prepare, plan, and promote Eurocon 2024: Erasmuscon in Rotterdam. We were pleasantly surprised when no less than 30 people showed up yesterday 7 May at our first public meeting in Nieuwegein. That just goes to show how passionate this community is! Thanks to the

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Progress report 1

November 2022 Erasmuscon Welcome to this Progress Report for Erasmuscon 2024, the first ever Eurocon to be held in the Netherlands. The first, really? Yes, really. We’ve had a Worldcon in 1990, but nothing on that scale before or since. So it’s about time we had a proper international convention in this country again. The

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Organization: Jan

Who will organise Eurocon 2024? We would like to introduce ourselves to you. Jan Scholte considers himself a daily visitor of the amazing universe that can be described as the fantastic genre. From reading Science Fiction books to watching cheesy horror films and from playing fantasy games (board games and card games) to listening to narrative

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Organization: Tanja

Who will organise Eurocon 2024? We would like to introduce ourselves to you. Tanja van Oven was raised in a house full of scifi and fantasy books. All those outlandish and fascinating titles drew her into the genre with an irresistible force and somehow that fascination never really went away. SF taught her to look at

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Organization: Paul

Who will organise Eurocon 2024? We would like to introduce ourselves to you. With his background in business finance and administration it is no wonder that Paul van Oven has been and still is active as a treasurer for multiple organisations. He has been a science fiction fan for as long as he can remember and was

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