Membership tickets
Rotterdam, The Netherlands - August 16-19, 2024

So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

There are too many people to thank in person for making the first Eurocon in the Netherlands possible. But nevertheless, we are going to give it a try. In no particular order. Here we go.

Our thanks to everyone who helped organize the Erasmuscon. Our thanks to everyone who was involved with the Erasmuscon. Our thanks to all the guests of honor. Our thanks to all the guests. Our thanks to all the volunteers. Our thanks to our sponsors. Our thanks to the staff of the WTC Convention Center in Rotterdam. Our thanks to the staff of the Postillion Hotel. Our thanks to the fire department. Our thanks to the security. And of course, we certainly won’t forget you, our thanks to all the visitors.

It was, if we may say so ourselves, a great Eurocon.

Thanks. Thanks! THANK YOU!

See you at a future convention!

André, Paul, Karlijn, Renske, Tanja, Alice, Jan

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